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Spiritual Formation: Campus Ministry Teams and Mission

Spiritual Formation: Campus Ministry Teams and Mission

14 Supporters
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Ministry Outreach Teams

As the Spiritual Formation Department (SFD) at Vanguard continues to reach our students on campus, one of the areas we have seen an increasing need is that of our local church and community outreach. Our hope is to increase our sending power of ministry teams from Vanguard ON MISSION to lead worship, facilitate youth services, preach and speak in local churches, and engage the community via outreach serving opportunities. We would like to continue to revive and rebuild that infrastructure so that more people can be reached and served in the grace and truth of Jesus via SFD.

Giving Day 2023 Update

Giving day 2023's generosity was joyfully used to provide scholarships for students to participate in leadership building and spiritually transforming retreats, to go on mission to Washington, DC, where students served at the Easter Sunrise Service at the Lincoln Memorial with hundreds of local DC-Metro churches during Passion Week 2024 and on Easter Sunday. Our student ministry teams were also able to reach new and upcoming VU students at the SoCal Network Assemblies of Youth Convention in San Diego, CA as well as hundreds of high school students at the historic Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa Church/School, among other local outreach opportunities. THANK YOU for your past and present partnership in ministry!

Why should donors support this fund?

The Spiritual Formation Department is the only department on campus where we purely exist for the preaching and teaching of God's Word coupled with daily worship to God via our student-led worship bands and student Chaplains. Everything we do is ministry-focused, with the goal to glorify Jesus, courageously preach from His Word, and encourage students, faculty, and staff to have life-transforming encounters with the Holy Spirit. Vanguard isn't just 'Christian' in name. Rather we truly believe in the Word of God and the active presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. Spiritual Formation exists to keep the passionate pursuit of Jesus ignited, both on and off campus in order to fulfill our mission to equip each student for a Spirit-empowered life of Christ-centered leadership and service!

Student Impact

"I came to Vanguard to grow in my faith and pursue God like never before and SFD has had a huge part in that. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I wasn’t in SFD, and I’m so thankful :) " Chloe

"I absolutely loved my time in the SFD family! I served with them all 4 years of my time at Vanguard and I loved every moment with them! I truly believe being involved with the team helped me navigate through the deepening of my faith throughout my university experience. The leadership we served under was so pure-hearted and I felt safe to explore more without worrying about false doctrine or anything like that! I will pray for the department to continue to flourish and impact the lives of those served by and who serve in the department! I adore SFD!" Lexy

"I loved SFD. It was fun, especially with these people. It’s refreshing to see how everyone is on fire for the Lord and are seeking more of his presence." Libby

"I am grateful God used me this year in SFD." Andrew

How will the funds be used?

Giving Day funds will continue to build infrastructure for our outreach teams, both on- and off-campus. These teams will function in the following areas: worship teams, serving teams, general ministry teams (preaching and prayer) and comedy skit teams (like Delivery Boys and Entourage). In short, we want to equip students for more ministry and works of service as they grow in their leadership capacity at Vanguard.

Thanks To Our Recent Donors!

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